
The Counseling & Mental Health Department provides school counseling, school-based mental health, state testing coordination, and comprehensive psycho-educational assessment services. The team works with students, staff, families, and community members to offer support and resources so that children can optimally perform in the educational and dormitory environments. Our team coordinates special events and programs related to social skills development and awareness issues. Additionally, we serve in district coaching roles for our Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports (PBIS) framework, ROAR. Counseling & Mental Health staff provides training to school faculty and staff as needed on state-mandated topics, such as benchmark testing, and specific counseling or mental health matters.

The Education Counselor housed in the high school provides high school guidance. As our high school students approach graduation, their transitional planning is facilitated for post-secondary experiences in a college, job training, or career placement setting.

For additional information regarding Counseling at ASD, please contact:

Eddie Schmeckenbecher, Director of Student & Family Support Services

Anna Snare, School Counselor

Camillia Lynch, Educational Counselor

Adam Goyne, Dean of Students

Comprehensive School Counseling Plan Mental Health Guide Book